Founder's Introduction to MTN

I think the starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Mission To Nations [MTN] is to read the comments of Dwyatt Gantt [please click on this link and read the first page –] . Dwyatt is a director of Children’s Hope International Foundation. It is through his “unsolicited gift” to Paparao Yelchuri that our organization learnt of MTN. Without this “gift” I don’t think we would have learnt of MTN. It is very difficult to add any significant comments to those of Dwyatt in regard to Paparao Yelchuri. The reality of it is that this is a man who grew up in very modest surroundings (perhaps it would be fairer to say the surroundings were destitute).

I have never come across any human being who has such compassion to help the really poor and hurting, without any regard to his own personal wellbeing besides the very basic daily requirements. In my eyes Paparao is truly God’s man.

Dwyatt sums it up correctly when he says that Paparao will not be comfortable with what Dwyatt did – tell the world of their needs and their works among the poor and destitute in India.

I know many people want to do more for the under privileged people in this world but finding a starting point is difficult. I have personally wanted to get involved in assisting some charities but I wanted to get more involved than simply sending out a monthly cheque. I have searched for a “good fit” for some time. On seeing the MTN website that Dwyatt did, I made contact with Paparao and decided to spend one weekend with him in Kakinada (3rd – 5th March 2006). I needed to see for myself that this was a legitimate operation and to form my own views on Paparao. Needless to say, by the mere fact that I am writing these words, I found Dwyatt’s account of Paparao spot on. For anyone preparing to donate to any charity I am sure the main goal is to ensure that the majority, if not all, of any donations reach the real cause (allowing for basic administration and finance cost) and also there is full accountability. I know, from my own experience, this was the most important hurdle which hindered me from being very proactive in helping the less fortunate.

During our weekend in Kakinada we spent a lot of time with Paparao who kindly showed us as much as possible about MTN’s existing works and who shared his vision and goals for the future. It did not take long to realize that in Paparao we had found a person whose main focus in life is others and who has clear goals in his mind – irrespective of how big those goals seemed to be. Under a separate link you will be able to see a cross section of MTN’s current activities and details of Paparao’s goals for the future. On this webpage you can see pictures of my colleague Yvette Robeck and myself visiting many of MTN supported activities. These were taken during our visit in March 2006 and only really cover a small cross spectrum of the work MTN is doing. I must state here that without Yvette’s continuous research and commitment to this cause I would not have found MTN and hence would not have visited MTN.

She remains very committed to making our foundation work and we remain verycommitted to helping Paparao achieve his vision and goals which he can onlyachieve with the support of those of us who are more fortunate than others.

Heny Mahtani
Foundation - In Memory of Raj Mahtani