It is essential as part of the ongoing improvement process to help the poor and needy to also educate people in terms of health and hygiene. The program will deliver not only basic sanitation education but also educate on social factors important to the people to understand the effects of thier individual actions and collectively as a group.
The programe will be delivered by sending a team of 2 people with a LCD projector to villages to teach the following topics:
The cost to sponsor this program ( One Mobile team )
A one time donation will buy the following items:
Diesel Bolero Jeep & LCD projector and mobile generator: USD$ 16, 200.00
The recurring costs per month for 1 unit will cover the following:
Monthly salary for 2 teachers, fuel, staff meals & other costs USD$ 680.00
The initial set up is for 1 mobile unit to travel around to the same villages underthe mobile health program. The sponsor of the program will receive periodicalreports, photographs showing the operation of the program, can visit theProgram as and when they want to, and they can give the name to the Program.