Missions to the Nations has a goal to start 100 Free Schools to give education up to Upper Primary level. “Without education – Man is like a living animal“. In India there are many villages where the children never have a chance to go to school due to their poverty and due to the lack of schooling facilities in their villages. Most of the Children in villages spend their childhood without receiving even basic education. As they attain the age of 10 to 15 years, they begin to work in the fields, Brick making, grazing livestock, or as servants in the rich people homes, overall they are given cheap or dirty jobs which no one else want to do. Like this many children pass from childhood to adults with little or no plans given to their education and development of their future. Normally, if the parents are uneducated, then the children will not received an education.
The few educated people in the village normally take advantage of the situation and take on leadership roles to serve their own advantage.
To help the children of the rural areas Missions to the Nations is having a plan to start 100 schools to give free education to 25,000 children every year.
A one time donation will provide the following to service the educational needs of 200 children.
Fixed Expenses like tables, chairs, Black boards, slates, stationary, lockers, bells, benches, First aid Kit, Fire Extinguishers, Books for 200 Children, School Uniform for 200 children (2 sets each) School Recognition Fees to be paid to the Government, Endowment Fund & Play equipment
USD$ 5500.00
On going sponsorship for 1 school
Appointment of 7 teachers, 1 Attendant, 1 Sweeper, Miscellaneous Expenses like chalk Power Bill, stationary for monthly tests, & Rent for the Building
USD$ 670.00
The sponsor of the program will receive periodic reports and photographs showing the operation of the program. They can visit the Program as and when they want to, and can also give a name to the school.